Archive for April, 2012
by admin on Apr.13, 2012, under Uncategorized
Pottermore, as many people have already learned, is J.K. Rowling’s answer to fans who have been desperately looking for more of Harry Potter. Not merely content with seven books and eight movies, Harry Potter fans are insatiable for more adventures. And why not? It’s a wonderful set of stories from an amazing author.
I suppose fans were disappointed when Pottermore went into limited beta and never really came out. There are a lot of Pottermore fan sites and even Pottermore cheats sites out there to help players in beta navigate the world. But the web site is still in beta and hasn’t yet come out for the public.
The site itself is more of an immersive reading experience than a game. Players progress through the original storyline of The Philosopher’s Stone in more or less chapter order. The site is divided into chapters that closely map the novel, and players perform actions in “moments” or scenes from each chapter. When Pottermore does come out, it’s sure to be a hit with Harry Potter fans everywhere, who have been clamoring for more.